Trigger Point Therapy

Is Trigger Point Therapy Right for You? Understanding Indications and Contraindications

Trigger point therapy involves hands-on techniques for treating muscular discomfort and pain. Trigger point therapy in Edmonton targets trigger points, which are hyperirritable spots within a muscle that can cause pain and referred pain (pain felt in another part of the body). These trigger points are often characterized by a palpable nodule or band of muscle tissue that is tender to the touch.

What are the Techniques Used in Trigger Point Therapy?

The primary objectives of trigger point therapy are to alleviate tension within trigger points, enhance blood circulation in the affected region, and restore normal muscle function. This can be achieved through various techniques, including:

Manual Pressure:
Our registered therapist, who specializes in trigger point therapy in Edmonton, applies sustained pressure to the trigger point using their fingers, knuckles, elbows, or specialized tools. This pressure helps to deactivate the trigger point and release muscle tension.

Gentle stretching exercises may be performed to help relax the muscles and minimize tension in the trigger point.

Trigger points massage techniques such as deep tissue massage or myofascial release techniques can be employed to specifically target these trigger points and surrounding muscle tissue, promoting relaxation and improved blood circulation.

Dry Needling:
This method entails inserting a thin needle directly into the trigger point, similar to acupuncture. The needle stimulates the trigger point, causing it to release tension and reduce pain.

Is Trigger Point Therapy Right for You?

Whether trigger point therapy is right for you depends on several factors, including your specific condition, medical history, and preferences. Here are some considerations to help you determine if trigger point therapy may be suitable for you:

Muscular Pain or Tension: 

If you experience muscular pain, tension, or stiffness, trigger point release therapy may be beneficial. It is often effective for addressing issues such as muscle knots, tightness, and trigger points that cause discomfort.

Chronic Pain Conditions: 

Trigger point therapy can be helpful for managing chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia, tension headaches, myofascial pain syndrome, and repetitive strain injuries.

Referred Pain: 

If you have pain that radiates from one area of the body to another (referred pain), trigger point therapy may be able to identify and address the underlying trigger points contributing to the discomfort.

Physical Activity or Sports-related Injuries: 

Athletes and those engaged in physical activities may find advantages in trigger point therapy to address muscle imbalances, strains, and overuse injuries.

Prefer Non-invasive Treatments: 

Trigger point therapy offers a non-invasive approach that doesn’t require medication or surgery, which makes it suitable for those seeking pain relief without drugs.

Medical History: 

It’s essential to consider your medical history and any underlying health conditions you may have. Discuss your medical history with our registered physiotherapists to ensure that trigger-point therapy is safe and appropriate for you.

Treatment Preferences: 

Some individuals prefer hands-on therapies like trigger point therapy over other treatment modalities. If you prefer manual therapies and are comfortable with the techniques used in trigger point therapy, it may be a suitable option for you.

What are the Contraindications of Trigger Point Therapy?

Understanding the contraindications of trigger point therapy is crucial for ensuring its safe and effective application. Contraindications are factors or conditions that make a particular treatment or therapy inappropriate or potentially harmful. In the context of trigger point therapy, contraindications include:

Open Wounds or Infections: 

Trigger point therapy should not be performed over open wounds, infected areas, or areas with acute inflammation, as it may increase the risk of infection or exacerbate existing conditions.

Severe Osteoporosis: 

Individuals with severe osteoporosis or fragile bones may be at risk of fractures or injuries during trigger point therapy, particularly if deep pressure is applied to the affected area.

Blood Clotting Disorders: 

Individuals with blood clotting disorders, like hemophilia or thrombocytopenia, should avoid trigger point therapy, as it may increase the risk of bleeding or bruising.


While trigger point therapy is generally considered safe during pregnancy, certain precautions should be taken, especially during the first trimester. It’s essential to consult with our physiotherapist before undergoing trigger point therapy while pregnant.

Recent Surgery: 

Individuals who have recently had surgery or have surgical implants in the area to be treated should avoid trigger point therapy until they have fully recovered and received clearance from their healthcare provider.

Localized Cancer: 

Trigger point therapy should not be performed over areas with known or suspected cancerous tumours, as it may lead to metastasis or spread of cancer cells.

Severe Pain or Sensitivity: 

Individuals with severe pain or hypersensitivity in the area to be treated may not tolerate trigger point therapy well, and alternative treatments should be considered.

Navigating Trigger Point Therapy:

Understanding the indications and contraindications of trigger point therapy is vital for both practitioners and individuals seeking treatment by recognizing the appropriate conditions for its application and being aware of situations where it may not be suitable or safe. Next Step physiotherapy in Edmonton delivers trigger point therapy effectively while minimizing the risk of adverse effects. Ultimately, by respecting the indications and contraindications of trigger point therapy, our physiotherapists and individuals alike can work together to promote healing, relieve discomfort, and enhance overall well-being.

Ready to experience relief from muscular pain and tension? Consult with our registered physiotherapist today to explore how trigger point therapy in Edmonton can benefit you. Take the first step towards a lifestyle without pain and book your appointment now.

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